In all Draughts variants, the following rules apply:
- Players take turn by moving one piece
- Pieces can move to an adjacent empty position
- An adjacent opponent piece can be captured by jumping over it (which implies the next position is available)
- When possible, several captures can be performed at the same round (with the same piece)
In German Draughts, the additional rules also apply:
- The board and initial position is the following:
- Pieces moves only on dark squares
- Simple pieces can only move forward, except for capture
- Promoted pieces, called kings, can move along any diagonal
- White starts
- Capture is compulsory
- Captured pieces are removed at the end of the capture sequence
- If a player must choose between several capture sequences, he can choose any sequence as long as it ends to a position where no more capture is possible
- If a piece reaches the last line during a capture sequence, it is not promoted, unless the capture finishes on the last line
- A player who cannot play any move loses the game