Get the ball into your opponent’s corner space, regardless of whether your opponent has a penguin there.
Each turn, you must select one of your penguins, and you must have it take an action. The actions available
to it depends on its current situation. The “(+↺/↻)” at the end of sliding options reminds you that the penguin
has the option of spinning after a slide. Penguin situations and the respective available actions are as follows:
Entering the game
- → sliding, the first space of its move will always be in your corner space, pointed in any of the three
directions (+↺/↻) — It’s as if the penguin’s started the move from just outside the playfield.
Lying down pengouin:
- → sliding in the direction it is already facing (+↺/↻)
- → standing
Standing penguoin
- without the ball → sliding in any orthogonal or diagonal direction (+↺/↻)
- with the ball, kick it in any orthogonal or diagonal direction → sliding position in the kick direction
- Each player has three penguins outside the field.
- The ball stands at the intersection of the center four squares. It is considered to be in all four squares
until a penguin first enters one of them, at which point, it moves into the penguin’s space.
General Rules
Possession of the Ball
The only option a penguin in possession of the ball has is to kick the ball. Penguins can only pass or shoot.
- The first penguin to slide into one of the four center squares takes possession of the ball, which in this
case means the ball shifts slightly from the center intersection to be in only that space, and then the
penguin stops sliding, stands up, and takes possession of it.
- Possession of the ball is indicated by putting it under your standing penguin.
- The ball can only be moved by kicking it.
- The penguin with the ball cannot abandon the ball and slide away.
- A penguin kicks in any direction and slips on the ice in the process, does a backflip, and lands on its
belly facing toward the ball, still in the same space where it was.
- Mama, the big, strong penguin, kicks the ball 3 spaces.
- Papa, the medium penguin, kicks the ball 2 spaces.
- Baby, the small, weak penguin, kicks the ball 1 space.
- If the ball is about to go off the board, it stops. The penguins will always keep the precious ball in play!
- If the ball reaches a square with a penguin, it stops in the penguin’s space, and the struck penguin
stands up, in possession of the ball.
Any penguin that is in a sliding position can stand up. When a penguin is standing, its facing is irrelevant.
Although a penguin in possession of the ball cannot slide, a penguin in almost any other situation can slide.
- Each penguin can slide in a straight line on its belly, then optionally spin:
- Mama, the big, slow penguin, must slide 1 square, then may spin up to 45° either direction.
- Papa, the medium penguin, must slide 2 squares, then may spin up to 90° either direction.
- Baby, the small, fast penguin, must slide 3 squares, then may spin up to 135° either direction.
- A penguin whose full move would make it slide off the board stops just short and stands up instead.
- A penguin with the ball cannot slide.
- A penguin that slides to the ball’s location stops sliding, stands up, and takes possession of it.
- A penguin of any size may tackle by sliding into the space with the opponent’s ball handler. A tackle
is the one and only time a penguin will strike another penguin. Anything for the ball! The attacker
pushes the tackled penguin off the ball, and that penguin falls over in the direction it was pushed,
moving one space that way. If it hits another penguin, that one also either falls over in that direction (if
it was standing), or turns to face that direction (if it wasn’t standing), moving one space that way, and so
on. Being pushed during a tackle can push a penguin off the edge of the board, back into the sea.
- You may not make a move that would put a penguin in your opponent’s corner, by any means.
Game End
If you get the ball into your opponent’s corner space, even if your opponent has a penguin there, you win!