Move by click-click or drag-drop:

graphicsDir=../../rules/sym/ whitePrefix=White blackPrefix=Black graphicsType=png squareSize=35 ranks=10 files=10 promoZone=3 promoChoice=QNBR symmetry=rotate royal=6 Pawn::::a3-j3 Knight:N:::b2,i2 Bishop::::c2,h2 Rook::::a1,j1 Queen::::e2 King::KisO3::f1 Dwarf::K:Commoner:a2,j2 Elf::BW:CrownedBishop:d2 Goblin::RF:CrownedRook:g2 Warlock::KNADcaKcabK:Lion:f2

Elven Chess: local game

Pawns promote on reaching the last 3 ranks, to Q, R, B or N. It is forbidden to trade Warlocks.

Click here to define your own piece moves

Play against remote opponent (turn-based)

Name: Password:
